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My Italjet Formula 50 LC (Norway)

Thanks for the replys.
I have an other plan for the engine, and I really love the original "look" on this engine.
And particularly the rear breake "system" which is really a "looker"
Will come back to this later.

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I just got this old magazine from 1997, and did find this test of Italjet Formula, Peugeot Speedfight, Malaguti Centro og Piaggio Typhoon. It's in Swedish, so I will try to translate the important part of the Formula test.

The chassis is constructed for speeds well over 100kph, something that you will notice straight a way.
It has an advanced front suspension called ISS. Independent Steering System.
The Italjet is defenatly the most stabile of them all. It is also the heaviest of them.
It has a very balanced “feeling”, almost like a big motorcycle.
The quick steered chassis is easy to throw a round tight bends.
The 11” front wheel gives quick steering action, but not any smaller turning radius.
The excellent brakes have vented brake disks at both ends, and feel a little over dimensioned.
The seating position is excellent for tall persons. Even here it feels over dimensioned. Very good upholstery.
It has a big glove department in front as well. The lockable fuel cap on the right side is really nice and practical.
This way you won’t have any gas spill in the helmet compartment.

The downsides:
Bad front headlight.
The seat will not stand up by it self.
Small under seat compartment.

I did receive 2 pc. of this universal rubber boot from German Ebay today. It's not as good as had hope for, but I think it will do the job.

where do you put those rubber thingz?

It is the steering rubber boot, which is down by the front wheel.

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I did translate the info on the Morini engine in Scooter Centers 2005 catalouge to English.

Morini engine are installed in vehicles of different manufacturers.
The engine is used in the following models: Atala, Derbi, Malaguti, Italjet, Pegasus and Suzuki.
Due to the unconventional engine architecture, motors of these series are not real power giants.
To achieve an acceptable tuning result, changes to the crankshaft and valve block is necessarily.
The original crankshaft can, because of their small “cheeks” (low compression), not supply the cylinder with enough fresh mixture.
Due to the very low seat of the 3 flap valve block, the boost port to the cylinder is not used optimally, resulting in significant power loss. The basic equipment in the engine tuning of these engines in any case, is to use a BGM or Malossi HPC full circle crankshaft and a big valve reed block.

Morini Motor sind bei Fahrzeugen unterschiedlichster Hersteller verbaut.
So sind in Modellen der Firmen Atala, Derbi, Malaguti, Italjet, Pegasus und Suzuki wiederzufinden.
Bedingt durch die eigenwillige Motorarchitektur sind Motoren dieser Baureihen keine echten leistungsgiganten.
Um eine akzeptables Tuningergebnis zu erreichen, sind Veränderungen an Kurbelwelle und Membranblock zwingend erforderlich.
Die originale Kurbelwelle kann, auf Grund ihrer kleinen Wangen, (geringe vorverdichtung), den zylinder nicht mit ausreichend frischem Gemisch versorgen.
Durch den sehr tiefen Sitz des 3 Klappen Membranblock kann der Boost-Port des zylinders nicht optimal genutzt werden, was zu deutlichen Leistungseinbusen führt. Zur Grundausstattung im Motortuning bei diesen Motoren gehört auf jeden Fall eine BGM oder Malossi HPC (vollwangen) Welle und ein BigValve Membranblock
I have been playing a little with the idea of having Scooter Center to make me one of these. (Photoshop picture)
This way I can use Minarelli clutch bells, and clutches


Original Morini


Original Minarelli
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Clutch bells like this








Clutch bell Naraku R-Vent (107mm)

High Performance Clutch bell Naraku. The patented R-Vent system pushes through the outwardly disposed blades very much fresh air in the clutch. The temperature of the clutch unit is kept on a low-wear protection and provides excellent long-term friction and sufficient grip in the bell. The abrasion is carried away through the holes in the clutch career and prevents additional traction losses. Furthermore, the R-Vent has a bell shrunk outer reinforcing ring. This will prevent a delay in this heavily polluted area of a clutch bell. Despite this increase, you still comes out with a low weight for best acceleration. Very good clutch bell with optimal price / performance ratio in the league of performance drivetrain parts. Application to the high end sector.

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I did discover this new item for the Formula today.
110mm clutchbell from



I really love this patent.


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Well I got a little disappointed when I opened the Polini variator kit. The varator seems to be correct, but the belt is way too short. The spring looks like it is correct as well. Got some other parts aso, and I will come back to that later.

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Some pictures of the new carbs.



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Here are some pictures of whats in the kit.

I think the 5,6gr is for the original cylinder, and the 3,6gr is for use with sportscylinder


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