MotoGP en SBK seizoen 2008 & 2009 (2)

Maxtra team tests with Ranseder in Valencia
Thursday, 27 November 2008

New manufacturer runs 125cc test in Spain earlier this week.


Joining the established Aprilia riders on track earlier this week in Valencia, the new Maxtra Racing Team began their testing program with rider Michael Ranseder and an all-new 125cc machine. The Austrian tested with the British-based outfit on Monday and Tuesday in eastern Spain, preparing for their partnership for 2009.

No times were recorded at the test, with the focus on ergonomic adjustments and familiarising Ranseder with the Maxtra bike. Ranseder performed approximately ninety laps over the two days.

The man behind the engine -a revolutionary upside down cylinder configuration- Jan Witteveen said after the shakedown test that: `This was very important for us as the bike proved to be stable. I´m impressed by the rider´s working style and he is able to give us valuable information. We gained a lot of useful data which has to be evaluated now.´

Ranseder added:`These two days were very productive, especially on Tuesday as we were able to work with the setup. I think that we know now the direction we have to go, as well as that a lot of work will need to be done.´

The Chinese-backed team have brought in experienced mechanic Trevor Morris –last seen working with Yuki Takahashi in 250cc and a former member of Nicky Hayden´s crew- to aid Ranseder´s development of the bike. British rider and former Red Bull MotoGP Rookie Matthew Hoyle was on standby for the Valencia test.

Wel mooi dat Jan witteveen achter deze machine zit.. kijken of hij het zelfde kan betekenen voor maxta als voor aprillia!

Kijk eens goed naar het blok... Het is een omgekeerd kartblok (tenminste, dat is de basis...). Vind het een partijtje "GOEDVET" !!







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Het is een compleet nieuw blok ontwikkeld door jan witteveen, de man achter de GP Aprilia motoren..ben benieuwd hoe die het gaat doen de maxtra.
Ik weet wie of wat de man achter Appie is.... alleen is de basis van het blok wel degelijk afgekeken van een bestaand kartblok.

Echter zijn er al zoveel dingen aan veranderd dat alleen de opzet gelijkend is...