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NRG Silver Scooter


Just a German Member
Hi ,

heres my projekt , i brought these NRG about 1300€ too much for some shit
I try to make this Nrg , fresh

My Setup :

- MHR Team Replica
- Polini Evo Crankshaft
- Polini 2g Evo
- Polini Evo Variator
- Polini Speed Drive
- Malossi Transmission
- Fabrizi Exhaust [or an Bidalot C20]
- 24` Arreche [ I search an 24` Mikuni ]

so on...
After the Scooter Weekend 2003 in Germany , i brought me new parts , i mean all the polini stuff "te koop" and then i bought me all the things @ malossi
Have fun with the Pictures ...
And sorry for my bad Englisch !

One Scoot from a good Fríend

See ya at SA Weekend 2003
Greetins @ Matze , Sascha , Henni , Sec , Sprengi "Carsten" meister , scotty and the Rest
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Hi Benni,

nice scoot you´re going to tune there. I hope it will be running in two weeks. You´ve got the same parts as matthias, perhaps we can race a little bit together...
I´m looking forward to my setup now, hope everything is gonna be alright next week.
See u

Ciao Carsten

Cya Sprengmeista
I like your crankcase-cover

Why did you buy a 2G? I've killed one at an 11.000rpm-setup

You should take a Hebo, for the same price [or less...]
The 2g Evo where in the scoot
At Christmas i bought me a complete Malossi Ovarange Kit !

What did you mean with

How you discribe the exhaust , i think it near than the MHR exhaust ? Do you think the same ?


PS : Bart , your NRG is my Standard !
I love your NRG , i where in Lelystad and talk with you
A Friend bought it at !
And now i sell it in
I didnt like it ..

The Trademark of the Cover is "Ariete" ! ! !
Hope you find something like this ! !

aha another nrg

the 'carterpan' looks cool

good luck with the rest of the project, ill keep following it
Damn nice scoot and btw how come that Germans and other foreigners like chroom .............any way i love it also
@ German-Freak
Remember from who the chrom-part was !? :W
Knie vor mir nieder ! 9||6

greetz zipsp-maniac ^^

P.S.: When does new Parts arrive ?