Dragscooter test runs

Congratulations to team Overrev! You just built a little demon. hehehe.
I'm so proud with the team. i was speechless with the power i saw at the race.

@trueoverrev, congrats! Your scooter is the most powerful scooter in Philippine soil. I salute to your scooter and to tiba and the team.
Slower time´s with slicks tires => more friction to the street surface.

Watching their rider having so much trouble taking off, more traction could give some advantage in the first 50 meters, those meters that are somewhat most important....

you dont need to tell me the physics about surface friction...
Watching their rider having so much trouble taking off, more traction could give some advantage in the first 50 meters, those meters that are somewhat most important....

in a perfect world having lots of traction would mean lower times in the 0-50m range BUT concrete has a rough (high friction) surface which means if we use slicks we'll have TOO MUCH traction & the front end would almost be certain to reach for the sky the moment you launch the scooter & that is bad, VERY BAD.

we would lose more time recovering from a monster wheelie which the 2Fast engine is capable of that's why we use Dunlop TT91GP, it just has the right amount of grip for most of the roads here, we'd rather have the rear tire break traction & spin than get full grip & do a monster wheelie, tire spin can be controlled by modulating the throttle something which my rider has gotten very good at.

for smoother roads like asphalt where it has lower friction a slick would be perfect b'coz with the Dunlop TT91GP we have to do a burnout to heat up the tires for more grip, it is so much easier to race on the asphalt than it is with concrete.
how many rpm does your sprinter makes?

i don't know as i haven't got a tach but from experience hearing the high pitched scream of the engine i'd say around 14,000rpm, the 2Fast port timings haven't been changed yet it just received a good & thorough clean up of the ports.
congrats Tiba and your Rider(whats his name by the way) on the latest results, your goal is now reached,have you any more goals to achieve like class records etc.
? how did your times compare to your previous mhr set up
are u on c21 or the roost pipe
in a perfect world having lots of traction would mean lower times in the 0-50m range BUT concrete has a rough (high friction) surface which means if we use slicks we'll have TOO MUCH traction & the front end would almost be certain to reach for the sky the moment you launch the scooter & that is bad, VERY BAD.

we would lose more time recovering from a monster wheelie which the 2Fast engine is capable of that's why we use Dunlop TT91GP, it just has the right amount of grip for most of the roads here, we'd rather have the rear tire break traction & spin than get full grip & do a monster wheelie, tire spin can be controlled by modulating the throttle something which my rider has gotten very good at.

for smoother roads like asphalt where it has lower friction a slick would be perfect b'coz with the Dunlop TT91GP we have to do a burnout to heat up the tires for more grip, it is so much easier to race on the asphalt than it is with concrete.

I see your point.

solution: Strech or Wheelybar :P
congrats Tiba and your Rider(whats his name by the way) on the latest results, your goal is now reached,have you any more goals to achieve like class records etc.
? how did your times compare to your previous mhr set up
are u on c21 or the roost pipe

thanks, his name is Michael but his nickname is "Micol" which he is known for.

as for the goals yes we have & that is to win as much dragracing events as we can this year mainly in the 90cc class but also in the 125cc class which is why i'm building another sprint engine (Minarelli 122cc).

for the ET the 2Fast engine blows away my MHR Team engine in every aspect, it's no contest really, my old engine would be eaten alive by this monster, i can do a few more upgrades to close the gap but it will fall short of what the 2Fast engine can do & i haven't brought out it's remaining potential yet.

currently we are using my Yasuni C21, the Roost pipe isn't ready yet, Roost emailed us he can't promise what date the pipe will be finished.
Wheeliebar isn't an option in their competition. The only way is extending the frame with allot of pressure on the back wheel.

correct, the only option is extending the wheelbase, for the Yamaha Jog is is quite easy to extend the wheelbase just by turning the forks the other way & you can add an easy 2" on the wheelbase.

we are also ordering a 6" long wheelbase kit from Japan which is popular amongst the dragracing crowd, wheelie bar isn't an option, i don't like adding more weight to the scooter, if we were racing 150m maybe i would try it.