Dragscooter test runs

Sounds great :D
And it's fast too :

Which rpm is it running at the run?

Sounds like the revs are getting lower after 50 mtrs.

it's b'coz the tires are starting to grip at around that distance hence the slight rpm drop.

we haven't got a rev counter on it we just test the old fashioned way, make some runs & let the rider give some feedback & make adjustments to the engine then do another testrun.

at the end of the day the real measure of performance is the quickest ET's.

anyway thanks for the nice compliments, rest assured things will get much better as we proceed.
No i mean later in the run, i can clearly hear that the rpm drops even more.

Or my ears are fooling me :p

it's probably when the bike gets farther away from the camera the exhaust note gets weaker, my rider said he hasn't felt any rpm drop during all of the testruns & he wasn't wearing a helmet so he can hear & feel the engine much better.

btw i forgot to mention he starts to roll off the throttle near the end of the street that's why the rpm sounds like it's going down.
Hey Tiba.

If you havn't noticed I has posted your videos etc. on Stalkerzone.dk/forum - PTL.

I hope it's okay with you... AND DAMN, that scooter is FAST. :O

Havn't you thought of getting a slick tire for your backwheel og maybe both wheels? Im pretty sure, that will get you even better results. :)
it's probably when the bike gets farther away from the camera the exhaust note gets weaker, my rider said he hasn't felt any rpm drop during all of the testruns & he wasn't wearing a helmet so he can hear & feel the engine much better.

btw i forgot to mention he starts to roll off the throttle near the end of the street that's why the rpm sounds like it's going down.

man your driver is crazy driving on that bike without a helmet.. lol!
@Roost good thing you are building the right pipe for that 2F4R bike... Eventually it will performm better once we have your pipe. By the way i will send the payment this weekend if thats ok with you. email me all the infos.

Wearing a helmet and leathers will just add more weight... LOL

The bike will run better after me and tiba acquires more parts (roost pipe,kundo pvl ignition, keihin jets, slick tires, etc)

Good day to all
guys meet the daddy of the 2F4R drag engine trueOverrev, without his help there won't be a 2F4R dragscooter in the country.

this is the ONLY 2F4R engine in the Philippines & if everything goes according to plan the days of the Honda Dio G 90cc's will soon come to an end.
The Pride,dedication,ownership,skills that tiba and his younger brother Ian put on this bike is the real beauty of this bike. Eversince from day 1 they were truely enthusiastic about this bike.

BTW tiba I took the liberty of designing and producing the custom ready to apply decal "Abandon ALL hope" I will send some pictures tomorrow, He was pretty busy this afternoon. It looks very Mean (Medieval theme Fonts)
tiba your bike is awesome.

ah a little correction here my friend, it's Nimrod's 2F4R engine on my dragscooter frame.

we did manage to make a single testrun @ 400m this afternoon & all i can say is WOW!!! :D the engine is what i have always dreamed it would run & sound like, damn it even did a long power-wheelie (30m), details will be published later but the results of the first test is a screaming success. ;)
Tiba, you've got yourself a little rocket there, but please, put a helmet on your rider man. Things happen sometimes and you just never know when you're gonna get thrown. I preach full racing gear all the time, but in drag racing, you wanna keep the weight down. Still though, a little common sense tells you that at 130 kph, SHIT CAN AND WILL HAPPEN.

Oh, don't think that you guys are the only ones that can make a minerelli motor turn 6 second 150's either. The mad scientist and I are workin on our own little project using my 2F4R motor that was on my race bike. I'm going 600cc class next year so we thought it was time to blow some minds again. The only thing is we wanted a frame lighter than a jog..............in comes the beta tempo!!!!!!!! Yeah it took a lotta work to lighten it up, but we did. No plastics (or seat), 24 HP, 1.5 litres of fuel, and check this, total weight 36 kgs. We're gonna start doing timed runs soon, now that we've got the micron 4 system hooked up to it. Pics will be commin soon.
The only thing is we wanted a frame lighter than a jog..............in comes the beta tempo!!!!!!!! Yeah it took a lotta work to lighten it up, but we did. No plastics (or seat), 24 HP, 1.5 litres of fuel, and check this, total weight 36 kgs. We're gonna start doing timed runs soon, now that we've got the micron 4 system hooked up to it. Pics will be commin soon.

Offtopic, but:

36 kg with a scooter frame? I can't imagine that is possible.