those numbers are already a good reason to buy an Evo3, more time with the ignition, a bigger carb & it would probably break 21hp.
btw awesome dragscooter you got, my mouth is watering already.
Hehe. Yes it is easily possible to do it like you said.
Where are the dynographs of the 2-cilinder?
Well, you have to wait still yet a little bit for some graphs of my two-cylinder!
We are still working working on the engine by making runs on the dyno and fixing some problems.
We have got some problems with the belt. It slips very easily with this much power and it is destroyed after about 15 runs! {!
We already use the strongest belt - Malossi X-Kevlar.
We already tested also different other belts, like Polini, Dayco and so on.
But the best yet is the Malossi X-Kevlar. :7
Here a graph of the
Maxiscoot Piaggio Twincylinder Dragster with the big wide tire in the back!
So this graph is
not of my Twincylinder dragster! We will work on my dragster further, when the Maxiscoot Twincylinder is ready!
So we can avoid some failures and problems at my dragster
BEFORE going onto the dyno!
But as you see, it's not such a toy as an one high-end cylinder!
So it is not that easy to handle this powerful engine! But I think this is the interesting thing on the whole thing - to manage some upcoming problems! :W
So the graphs of my two-cylinder will follow soon!!!
Keep being interested in it! 8)
I hope I haven't promised too much...
Blocked we have got nearly the same measurements as on the upper graph (variator NOT blocked)!
Torque: about 32-34 Nm (depends on how the belt has got grip)
Power: about 50hp
Kind regards
Michael :W