Gilera Runner 209 ccm Quattro valve

Hi Velo...i am watching your project fro the start before some years :-) ... i have some questions for you:

Which belt you think is best?

And which torque drive? malossi 125cc (steel, code: 6111656) or malossi 200-300cc (aluminum, 6112563) ? I think you have tried both(or not?)... i know that each one needs a whole different rear pulley in every case...
I have just been using the Malossi X-kevlar belt and the old pulley.
The pulley offers a different angle compared to the stock wich is optimised for engines with power in the higher rew range.

I have been away from the news feed for a long time, so I didn't know there was a new one. But it sounds interesting.
Hey, It die here? Or moved somewhere else?

Malossi had new 218cc with bore 75,5. Have someone already tried? Difference between 209 and 218 and Kubler 300? I also need a change:-)
Hey, It die here? Or moved somewhere else?

Malossi had new 218cc with bore 75,5. Have someone already tried? Difference between 209 and 218 and Kubler 300? I also need a change:)

The differance between 209 and Kubler 300 is huge.
The Kublerkit has a much longer stroke wich results in a huge torque gain. It will not rew. as high as the 209 kit, so don't chose the malossi camshaft if you buy Kubler.

209 vs. 218 ccm
Both are std. stroke so both would like to rew. but I am not aware about the power differance. But the bigger the engine the bigger the power.
hi velo
i have just restored my 2004 gilera and did some upgrades.
maybe you could help me on this matter, i have some questions for you. my specs as below

vxr200 gilera 4t
- malo v4 set with powercam 74mm piston
- carb kit dellorto PHF34mm with red filter E5 (open)
- malo racing crankshaft
- multivar 2000 (15gm rollers, red spring)
- torsion controller
- malo delta clutch
- malo secondary gear 16/42
- malo digitronic without immo
- leovince exhaust 4 road

• i am still still finetuning the carb, atm my jet is at 105, what do you recommend ideally it should be sitting. i have tried higher but its bogging at the bottom and four stroking the engine. plus i realised that the carb at higher setting its consuming a large amount of petrol

• secondly, i did some dyno test, midway the clutch spring (white, 15gm roller with torsion controller) just slip out and smashed thru the cover, what could be the issue. twice it happened to me, i have switch to red but have yet to dyno the bike again.

• finally, the bike i feel its not pushing its maximum power on wheels, top speeds up to 130 maxed. could it be the rollers are too heavy or exhaust system thats causing it. btw i have 2 exhaust - leovince 4road and SBK Leovince. btw am looking for max top speed (ideally 160 lol)

i know finetuning is required here for max output, maybe you can share your thoughts on this matter?
hope to hear from you.
Hi, I am sorry that I haven't been able to respond to you sooner.
I have been off the two wheels for quite some time. I still have the Runner though. But it needs a fresh engine rebuild.

So please, people of the interwebs, what is the most powerful setup available today for the LEADER engine?

First off. I hope you have solved your issues. Jetting is always individual, as well is rollers. And to be honest. It has been so long since I touched a jet on that carb. that I have forgotten about it. But 105 sounds a bit small.

And your rollers sounds too heavy according to my memory.

Big main spring failure.
Yep, welcome to the world of high speed. (don't do that on a dyno)

Highst flowing exhaust = highest possible power. Go for SBK.
Please share a picture of your bike and the solutions you ended up with.

Good day

hi velo
i have just restored my 2004 gilera and did some upgrades.
maybe you could help me on this matter, i have some questions for you. my specs as below

vxr200 gilera 4t
- malo v4 set with powercam 74mm piston
- carb kit dellorto PHF34mm with red filter E5 (open)
- malo racing crankshaft
- multivar 2000 (15gm rollers, red spring)
- torsion controller
- malo delta clutch
- malo secondary gear 16/42
- malo digitronic without immo
- leovince exhaust 4 road

• i am still still finetuning the carb, atm my jet is at 105, what do you recommend ideally it should be sitting. i have tried higher but its bogging at the bottom and four stroking the engine. plus i realised that the carb at higher setting its consuming a large amount of petrol

• secondly, i did some dyno test, midway the clutch spring (white, 15gm roller with torsion controller) just slip out and smashed thru the cover, what could be the issue. twice it happened to me, i have switch to red but have yet to dyno the bike again.

• finally, the bike i feel its not pushing its maximum power on wheels, top speeds up to 130 maxed. could it be the rollers are too heavy or exhaust system thats causing it. btw i have 2 exhaust - leovince 4road and SBK Leovince. btw am looking for max top speed (ideally 160 lol)

i know finetuning is required here for max output, maybe you can share your thoughts on this matter?
hope to hear from you.
En een Topic van 18 jaar oud ......

In English here please, this is an English spoken section of the forums, and the original topic starter replied in his on topic, so nothing wrong there.

@Velo a friend of mine sourced one from Italy, but you have to be lucky and he was able to view it in person before buying.

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