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stage6 rear suspension

waxhead why don't you publish that email here so the skeptics can be enlightened a bit.

btw Taiwan is the new Japan, the Japanese outsource most of their stuff from Taiwan.


I ve got 1 thing to tell

WHATEVER though....

I got better things to do than keep arguing with u...
Its still far away from a prove and to be honest there is more important things...
I sleep good as well knowing that i own a stag6 susp. and payed a still relativ cheap price.
What caught my attention is that u keep thinking thats its RPM who developed all!
Once again,one thing is the producer ,and another the publisher/inventer...
Wow tough audience
You prove it and then they still dont believe you

I understand since you have a stage6 shock already othat you dont wish to believe it

Man stage6 reminds me of a religious cult with memebers blinded to the real facts
Wow tough audience
You prove it and then they still dont believe you

I understand since you have a stage6 shock already othat you dont wish to believe it

Man stage6 reminds me of a religious cult with memebers blinded to the real facts

Ohh boy why is it that you try to be so smart? try to argue like an adult, and not like a jackass. You say over and over again, that "you own that chinese-bad copy suspension", but we never mentioned that it's bad. Either that its an cheap production of the s6 one. I still wait for an answer from the s6 team, and before i get that answer,nothing is sure. Another thing is that your shock is on another basic of design, and how much was the suspension in Dollars?
Dont do the act like an adult thing ,Dude its the internet i can act like i damn well want
And then you say i still wait for an answer from stage6.
I could tell you to stop acting like a brainwashed cult memeber

What your waiting for stage6 to come back and say ours is different
Seriously what do you think they are going to say , they are in the process of selling parts
" no ours is the same i suggest you buy it from the other shop because its cheaper"

The suspension back and front cost me 515 american dollars shipped to my door
of course S6 will tell you it's not the same stuff, if they did then a lot of you would skip S6 & buy directly from RPM where it's cheaper.

sure S6 helped develop the shock but remember this, RPM has all the info & blueprints of the S6 shock (RPM built it for S6) so they can build their own brand of shock using S6 specs.

i also think there is a stipulation in the contract which prevents RPM from selling their own line of suspension in EU but outside of that area (US & Asia) RPM can export & sell their own brand.
It's more alike then the RPM one, and if you mail them SA answer back, so...just my 2cents (this could be because i'm in europe, and RPM or Shark can only sell outside europe, don't know...)
So they are saying that the shark factory make the stage6 shock ???

It's not a matter of who makes the s6 shock, of course a modern firm use countries like china and especially areas like Taiwan, for production. The prizes are low, and the quality is almost the same like handmade stuff. A s6 H/L coast me 360 Dollars her in europe. Tiba Karotsu might be right about the commercial agreement made within the s6 and rpm crew. Parts'n stuff will always (the next decades) be cheaper in Asia than in Europe. But i still don't know if rpm use the exact same suspension-setup like s6. It would be kind of cheating to abuse the modifications that s6 told them to made, on their own suspensions. But well, you never know about the Asian people ...
yeah your right the rear one looks like a shark one for sure
Interesting that sa return the email
Thats happens when some one emails the jetski parts producer i use from my company
They just forward the email onto me

The fronts look very much like the rpm brand
Maybe thats what they mean when they are aying they make the shock for stage6 they are talking about the forks

I guess when you do a search on here you get this from thilo sa
It would appear they didnt change anything at all , thay had to go to a twainese company to actually get the quality they were after

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Asian people are a highly honourable people
If s6 did actually come back with some upgrades and not just say they did then i am sure there will be a total upgrade on all parts
Its called evulation and i am sure thats what would have happened if actually anything was changed

Thilo himself said in the qoute you posted, that the forks are made in corporation with rpm? In other words, SA/S6 had also influence. And by the way, it's called evaluation. And about the honourable asian people, you better know that Asia is the world of fake products, so that cant be in general.
Yeah they had influence it could be as little as a rebadge
However as i said before the stage6 shocks were made by rpm
Every one was trying to say the one i had were a cheap copy
Clearly they were wrong and its been proved so

Seriously is your argument so weak you have to revert to be the spelling police and racist coments about a culture you dont understand
I think its time this thread got closed
As soon as comments like yours above start to come into it, then its time to call it a day

1: I never told you that it's a cheap copy. I knew from day one that rpm made them.
2: I wasn't assure that the rpm shocks had the s6 technology (improven parts) in it. And i am not 100% shure yet
3: You talk about me/us being members of a religious sect, called s6. I talk about Asian people making fake products (donøt you agree or what?) in addition to your postulate about hournabble people, which they might be, but who aren't now a days!.
i get what both sets of people are saying but aprilia fan don't act like you know what your talking about, because im pretty sure you left a comment on the first page saying "I wouldn't buy these shitty cheap copies" when your stage6 suspension is the same just renamed!

so everyone stop arguing because your both right, yes the stage6 is bascially made for them and is rebadged and yes stage6 had input in the development of the stage6 shock. and im guessing that rpm would now use this information into there own suspension as there is no point in developing a shitty shock for yourself and a better one for a supllier is there?

@the statement of thilo

HOW COULD U POSSIBLY know anything about thilo?did u meet him?did u have any convo with him?
U are far away from europe here and i guess u ve no idea how things work here and i doubt u ve been informed well.
Btw,as u might know,I m german and spoke to thilo before long time ago about the suspensions.Having/showing an email wont prove a shit neither.
Stage6 and others companies developed this shock together by sharing infos and doing intensively tests.And all of them have been made in Europe.This has been going on now for over 2 years.
U really dont think rpm developed all self and sold their product to stage6¿^^ and IF u do,so let it be.

the official price of the stage 6 shock is 350euro,and if u got connections u get the shock under 300euro here in europe.
But i dont want u to change ur mind or to believe me,its simply the facts.
I mean u r old enough and experienced ^^ (over 18month...)and u know and believe what u ve been told...

Other parts..
like the brake calipers or carbs...
yes some stage r/T parts are not developed by them but compared to other european brands/prices a lot cheapper,cuz stage 6 offers the "koso" carbs cheapper than koso self,and they r 100% identical.In that case they also dont pretend to be the inventer of it.
The stage 6 suspension is totally another case,and if u take a look at (u know what i mean) have a good look at "stage 6 development" and pay attention to the posts and their dates and u ll notice and see its progress.
I ve been following the progress of stage6 (unfortunately only in german) very good.
And as i said so many times,its one thing to develop a product and a whole diff. thing to produce it.

@asian topic
China is NUMBER 1 in copying products!!!thats not a secret.And we also know why so many things are produced their cuz of their costs.
taiwan might have highly modern factories etc btu they wouldnt be able to produce most of the parts without the knowledge and feedback of europe.
Cuz its here,the biggest scooter community worldwide...
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