Minarelli Aluminium Dragster.

Hello from the United States of America!

Your project is awesome, I like every last bit of it so far.

I am also taking different classes at school. They let me bring in my scooter parts to build different tools and modify parts. We have older Harrison lathes in my class, looks to be similar to the one you're using? Your project is really incredible!

I wish you all the best in your goals both with the scooter, and as an engineer!


Wow! Hand-built completely from scratch... That is some serious work my friend. Keep the updates coming on your project! I can't wait to see some video of it screaming down the track...
Well guys here we go with a little update of the past 3 days of work.

I i worked a bit more on the frame design. As you might notice i mounted 2 "bridges" from the lower tubes to the subframe. The rest of the lower tubes, from the mounth of the bridge, will be cutted of - both for less weight but also design feature.

Few parts i got today. Front tire of course the soft compound and the rear one chosen in medium. This is afterall som tires i also have to test on my track racing bike.

Here you get a view of the nearly finished frame look. Quite happy about it actually.

The frame looks nice but could be a lot stiffer. Why didn't you made a triangel in the middle of the frame (where the curved tube come together).
The frame looks nice but could be a lot stiffer. Why didn't you made a triangel in the middle of the frame (where the curved tube come together).

Because the current construction is more than strong enough. How can you determen if it would be a lot stiffer? any more tubes would just be overkill and waste of performance - destroy the look / curves.

But remember, the frame is not 100% done yet. For instance, the subframe for the radiator could be made in addition to a bridge from the one to the other side of the curved tubes, as you say.

Made an example of an end to my alu. tubes today.

The ends are gonna be mounted in a way that i can fit other ones if i want to, for safety reasons.
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How are you going to mound your engine? With a bar to the back of your engine or underneath? Looks very nice so far.

Good question. You see, right now am i actually about to design the second subframe. The extraordinary solution, as you mention, need one more alu tube to be welded to the frame, and that would kind of interact in a bad way with the currently flow of the frame, imo.
Because the current construction is more than strong enough. How can you determen if it would be a lot stiffer? any more tubes would just be overkill and waste of performance - destroy the look / curves.

I don't say this design is not stiff enough and i am not talking about design. Only about to get the lightest frame, with the stiffest structure. I don't know how well you knowledge goes in calculation these kind of structures, but know all the tubes are seperated from each other. The have freedom to bend in all directions. By connection the tubes with a triangel, it would connected the tubes on there most flexible place. This make sure that the tubes don't have the freedom anymore that they did have. I hop you understand what I say :+.
Good luck with your frame.
I don't say this design is not stiff enough and i am not talking about design. Only about to get the lightest frame, with the stiffest structure. I don't know how well you knowledge goes in calculation these kind of structures, but know all the tubes are seperated from each other. The have freedom to bend in all directions. By connection the tubes with a triangel, it would connected the tubes on there most flexible place. This make sure that the tubes don't have the freedom anymore that they did have. I hop you understand what I say :+.
Good luck with your frame.

I see what you are trying to tell me, but my subframe for the radiator will contain an 20x3 mm. alu tube that goes from tube to tube (to buttom ones).

But remember, that my alu tubes are 40x4 mm. so they are very stiff.
When i got my caliber it was really in a bad condition with many layers of paint etc. I blasted it and finally painted it today, looking brand new. Colors fits my subaru racing theme:).

Today the weather was really nice, so i grap the chance to start up the engine without it getting nasty. Engine running perfectly and all is in very good order as it should be. Do not comment on the frame look vs. the fork, since its not the look it will have in the end.

Alt for i dag.
Side panels will be easy to replacde, in case that i don't want them or simply because of the performance.

Adapter for the rear alu. tube.

Nearly done, still to do is to polish the raw alu. that is underneath the blasted area.

You sit extremely well on it, beside that if you is a dwarf or under 175 cm.

Why such a heavy wheel @ the front?

Because i also use the rims for track racing on my other bike.

Secondly its not that heavy, weights the same as the rim for drag. which you can buy on SA and everybody has. But u guess you dont know anything about the weight ? and just judge it by the look.
He's right. There are much lighter wheels than this sonic disc rim. The SA drag wheel isn't that light either.. But looking to your project you don't take building a lightweight sprinter that serious. Looks good though.
He's right. There are much lighter wheels than this sonic disc rim. The SA drag wheel isn't that light either.. But looking to your project you don't take building a lightweight sprinter that serious. Looks good though.

You can also drill a rim in titanium and it would be damn light compared to EVERYthing on the market. You got my point? Beside that i had the whole bike on the weight today. 36.6 kg. without fluid and radiator + hoses. Therefore not that heavy again ....

Anyway, here's a new update. Remember the frame has to be painted subary blue and rims metallic gold.

After it has been running for the 3rd time for little bit of testing. Of course the look will change and it still need a lot of finishing

I don't really get you point. When you take a rim that is lighter by itself and hasn't got a heavy discbrakesystem you take double adventage. 38kg isn't that much but it could have been lighter.