Canadian Yamaha BW'S (Zuma) 2003

Hey UAREIDIOT, are you going to have anymore fronts available on Ebay. Just checked and couldn't find any. Also, Let me know if you are going to sell the rear also. Thanks.

I have never sold parts on ebay, I heard someone was selling one of the fronts I made, but I've never seen the ad...
Ohh, it is Radikal Style and Performance from Canada. I figured it was you. I just got a Zuma, and can't wait to get the front that you made. Let me know if you are selling copies of the front and rear. Thanks.
Are you going to rear mount your carb? If you are there is no way it will work at that angle with the bike lowered. It would be pointing almost straight up.
Build with parts from all over Europe I beleive?

About the scooter: I realy dislike how you ruined that radiator, but since you have to remake that frontal cover you could posably add an air intake for the radiator? ;) I presume there is some space to mount that thing behind the cover? Also get rid of that exaust, It's too ugly! Finaly maybe a little paint will dramaticly increase the looks in a positive way? For now, keep up the nice work!
u cud put the radiator infront of ur feets behind the black feet cover and make some holes on it to induce some flow hehe, and that exhaust... hmmm, dont really like straight ones xD and y is that guy banned xD?
I like your bw´s very much! :#
I believe its looks just great! 8)

That romano-guy spammed this forum for a while, he had multiple clone accounts, etc. Not how you should run a small company, I believe. And he also makes rubbish exhausts, like a 4-stoke exhaust with expension, like a 2-stroke exhaust haha :D

But good luck with the build, keep us updated! *D
nice project! what scooter maker by the way that have the same wheel mounting with the stock engine of bws like the one you have? can i get it from aprillia or any specific scooter?