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scooter sprint racing; the Japanese way

here are some more pics.. by the way how can i

Yamaha Jog Aprio

Yamaha Jog Z-II

custom frame

Honda Dio SR & ZX Live

who says you cant race a Morini??? here are some sprint Suzuki Address V100 Morini engine

Morini Tuning

ErWaNeS said:
Don't they have other scooters there?

they have other scooters ther, but these scooters are their common scoots. & they love to tune them, same as here in my country..
BT39 said:
Maybe the foreign scooters have "strange" looks, but I think they will go like hell.

yes, indeed!! i also have seen a couple of photos of sprint scoots from Italy & for sure they will look strange for you Dutch guy

if you want to see some vid clips of their 50m sprint, just give me a good site where to upload them..
emo said:
yes, indeed!! i also have seen a couple of photos of sprint scoots from Italy & for sure they will look strange for you Dutch guy
To Bad we cant Sprint against eachother!!, Ill sure want to sprint against foreingers
Beerke said:
To Bad we cant Sprint against eachother!!, Ill sure want to sprint against foreingers

it would be nice if there will be a Scooter Olympic.. all the best riders & fatest scooters all over the world will compete.. (CALLING ALL HUGE SCOOTER & SCOOTER PARTS COMPANIES!! CARE TO ORGANIZE/SPONSOR THAT?? )
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But talking about bhp... How well do those scoots preform? And what about the general weight? (By the way... In Holland the most common measurement is in SAE, measured on the rearwheel)