Heiko tuning


Well-Known Member

Do anyone of you on the forum know Heiko Fröse?
Because I've bought some things from him and payed for it, but I'm not sure he has sent it.

He told me he had sent it 1 may but it hasn't came here yet. And he doesn't answer on my mails and his phone number doesn't work. So if you can help me in some type of way, please let me know.

gr Niklas
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Do anyone of you on the forum know Heiko Fröse?
Because I've bought some things from him and payed for it, but I'm not sure he has sent it.

He told me he had sent it 1 may but it hasn't came here yet. And he doesn't answer on my mails and his phone number doesn't work. So if you can help me in some type of way, please let me know.

gr Niklas
I have a similar experience with Mr. Frose. Paid for product and shipping across the big pond to States, and waited. And waited. And waited. All attempts to communicate proved fruitless.
I have a similar experience with Mr. Frose. Paid for product and shipping across the big pond to States, and waited. And waited. And waited. All attempts to communicate proved fruitless.
Your fucked, HT has terible customer support and most likely will not ship your parts. I've had some experience with the crackhead, and i live like 30min from him. A lot of big boy words from him till i was there face to face and took what was mine in first.place and he fucked up. Never ever order from there
Amex. Is good about that kind of fraud. Thanks. Wonder how many people he has scammed?
Quite a few, some people got brand new parts or they were supposed to get them and got cilinders with very bad nikaseal they said something about it and not a single respons from HT. They paid almost 700+ euros for a cilinder you cant even use