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[swiss quality]
[swisstuning-F15] highend only

hy netherland

my setup for my racefox:

manston racing2 ssp stage4+ tuned
block tuned
baroni 30mm + selfmade ass + kartbox
"marko" selfmade pipe
mhr rotor + eeprom + e-wasserpumpe
mhr overrange
mhr delta clutch
mhr wing bell
mhr vl14
top 11%
top getriebedeckel

selfmade ass


have fun

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I like the girls,
I like the exhaust,
I like the carburator.....

Nice one!

Looks good
a little bit an offtopic question but do much people tune their scoots in swiss? because my brother is now in swiss and maybe he can buy some special stuff there
thx for the comments guys

no, i didnt have results, because the pipe isnt already in my hands, its still in slovania

hehe, thanks, im loving them too

no, the pipe isnt build for midraces, its build for my manston2.
roost (the builder of the pipe, member in this forum) made it for highend-cylinders. i gave him my cylinder-date and he construct the exhaust. so i dont know how it will race, i hope only the bests

ähhm, no, here in switzerland we havent a good tuning-shop. so we (the tuners here, not many but the scene is rising ) buy the parts at scooter-attack in germany. they have good prices and the taxes for the post-office arent so high.

Are you going to change the optics too ? Or are that future-plans ?

Like the others already said: That exhaust is HOT!!
no problem

the scooter you see on the pics, isnt mine. its a test-scooter from the builder of the exhaust.
the optics of my f15 is still chaning, ill make an update here when ill have new pics....this weekend perhaps.

From your email I didn't understand that "Baroni 30mm" stands for a carburettor with a hole of 30mm
Yours will be a mean scoot!
so, update

and this is a screenshot of a frien of mine, on which we installed a kartcarb too like mine:
