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need help on my yamaha jog rr LC

buchan 69

Well-Known Member
hello i have just replaced the exhaust on my yamaha jog rr LC to a powerpipe (leo vinci power pipe) and it came with some 3.2 roller wich i have not put in yet.
i have changed the yets from a size 62 to a 70 is this anouth ??
and i have bort a new torkspring and clutch springs which i have not put in yet.

so basicly. my moped is going about 55pm 60, cant propply tell u cuz my speedo broke.
but when i pull of the revs so through the roof and i shoot forward then they die down till i hit 30 and hit my power band and go flying.

dose anybody now what my problem is and do u know what i can do to speed my acceleron up.

thanks, Josh.
the lighter rollers come with the exhaust for a reason if you put them in you will see and big boost in your ecceleration, my giannelli race pipe came with 4.5 gram rollers but i wasnt happy with these so now i use 3.5 gram rollers and its just perfect!!

so just put the 3.2 gram rollers in and exsperiment until you find the weight witch gives u good exceleration and good top speed!!!

good luck
luke :}