Need Help about torque center spring

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Just cheap parts probably.. poor quality. If you get a lot of RPM you need a malossi overdrive kit.. vario+clutch+belt, it can handle more RPM and better
Thank you.
in thailand is hard to buy malossi kit and very expensive.
someone in thai told me that problem with gear.
is that right or it can be
my engine spec bore 60mm stroke 49.5mm that mean short stroke right?
and short stroke is having alot rpm i think it about 13000
nice drag!
in thailand you should be able to find taiwan parts. if you go with the good brands like RPM, KOSO, RRGS, NCY you'll very good stuff for your transmission.
i suggest to install a good quality spring like the KOSO ones and install a spring slyder (like RDR one or if you can find the best is Pinasco) to reduce the rotation torque on the contrast spring.
anyway i think that to break a spring like that, or the spring is really bad quality or it's not the correct one for your transmission!
Thank you for another comment.
I will try to find some of the parts that you told me.
If I can find it. And if it work I will back with answer.
