VTM Exhaust, where to Buy?

Thanks for all the answers.

My friend was sprinter-mg, and i made this topic for him because he isn't that good at english, as you can se :P

If anyone of you wan't to sell your VTM exhaust, please PM sprinter-mg.

Also thank you for alle the pictures. Lovly ;)

(damn thats an ugly exhaust! :O I think that it is very cheap looking, but thats only my opinion. How can it be so expensive?)
looks cheap, runs decent, costs alot............................how does this work? I'd rather dump less money on a C21 or C30, MKPR2 or Evo2, get better performance and twice as sexy looking as that. all that money and it doesn't even come with a silencer????? F U < K!!!!! No way hose A!
Do you have anything usefull to add to this topic ? You clearly don't understand the essence of an exclusive item... Why do people spend there money, on a '38 classic car? Looks like shit, and a Suzuki Baleno outperforms it

Just my 2 cents *D
FUracing8 said:
looks cheap, runs decent, costs alot............................how does this work? I'd rather dump less money on a C21 or C30, MKPR2 or Evo2, get better performance and twice as sexy looking as that. all that money and it doesn't even come with a silencer????? F U < K!!!!! No way hose A!

1 You realy don't know shit about exhaust if that's your opinion. Cheap??? look at those weldings and pumped header. There ar very few pipes who have that. Every VTM exhaust is a masterpiece. Finished perfectly.

2 a pr2 or evo2 exhaust will never get near the performance of a VTM.

3 a c21 THAT is a cheap looking exhaust, build in a few minutes.
Mart said:
2 a pr2 or evo2 exhaust will never get near the performance of a VTM.

BS, and u know it. It all depends on what u run it. Or do u buy a pipe first and then test a de rest on it?

And what if it was such a good pipe, why is no one using it?
I dont see a lot of those pipes used. It did run nice on rudi`s sr then, but he had the whole vtm package. And after his scores, someone made a lot of money out of those pipes.

IMO then. +pippi+
Mart said:
1 You realy don't know shit about exhaust if that's your opinion. Cheap??? look at those weldings and pumped header. There ar very few pipes who have that. Every VTM exhaust is a masterpiece. Finished perfectly.

2 a pr2 or evo2 exhaust will never get near the performance of a VTM.

3 a c21 THAT is a cheap looking exhaust, build in a few minutes.

I know wtah you want to say, it's a unique pipe, maybe quite nice, but even if it's custom doesn't worth 400 euro, even they give you a silencer!

Those welding's doesn't better, than any other pipe welding, for example same as a TNT exhaust has(this was an example)! This type of welding is one of the cheapest!! About the material a DC04 sheet metal is very-very cheap material, laser cutting has a medium price, so you can waste lot of material for the pumping! Pumping cost very cheap if you use water, or re-circuit a hydraulic oil! I made some pipes with pumping technique+rolling, and my cost was maximum 80-90 euro (with springs, silents, two pieces of header mount, Even their pipes has a very good performance they can sold it double price, or at triple price -> it costs 240 euro, and they have a lot of profit! And I don't speak about the series...

If they have make it with AWI or with plasma like Yasuni and make only one pipe for a specific bike or made from stainless steel maybe it worth 250-maximum 280 euro if it has a nice silencer!

The probelm is you guys pay any number of euros for a product (doesn'T matter if it'S really worth it, or worse than a previous model) and if somebody thought differnet than you, you crab him!

Oh and one more thing, I can buy a 300 euro exhaust but I am not as silly to pay a bank-roll for a pieces of steel! :)

Otherwise another example: DPR exhaust has a realistic price! Not too cheap so it can be exclusive, but it's custom made so it's nice!
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Correct me if i am wrong, the only high score with @ VTM on mina, was a full vtm prepared scooter not? (Rudi`s sr)

Since then, i only saw them on the buyer/seller part of this forum :X
Tinne said:
BS, and u know it. It all depends on what u run it.

BS? Before you talk interresting like that, you should test some things yourself... The cilinders where the VTM exhaust is made for; evo, speed etc. thats what I'm talking about ofcourse. If you think you can get the same power with a minarelli evo or pr2 exhaust good luck. :z
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Tinne said:
Correct me if i am wrong, the only high score with @ VTM on mina, was a full vtm prepared scooter not? (Rudi`s sr)

Since then, i only saw them on the buyer/seller part of this forum :X

Even one of your koopmans friends (mol) tested the VTM and it outperformed every pipe... You are talking a lot but you don't do the research to talk alot. There are many more high scores on mina.
Hmmzz we tested a lot of pipes, including the VTM, so don't always talk like that to other forum members. It was one of the top pipes. This is very remarkeble for a pipe which is already a couple of years ago designed and build. There is not one handmade pipe which such nice weldings etc and identical in performance. If we look at dpr pipes, they are all different pipes and you are a lucky person if it will perform. If Mister VTM will make a pipe according to today performances, it will be the top pipe again -:-
Only at this moment it is another pipe which runs best.

Tinne said:
BS, and u know it. It all depends on what u run it. Or do u buy a pipe first and then test a de rest on it?

And what if it was such a good pipe, why is no one using it?
I dont see a lot of those pipes used. It did run nice on rudi`s sr then, but he had the whole vtm package. And after his scores, someone made a lot of money out of those pipes.

IMO then. +pippi+
I don't know shit huh?

Mart said:
1 You realy don't know shit about exhaust if that's your opinion. Cheap??? look at those weldings and pumped header. There ar very few pipes who have that. Every VTM exhaust is a masterpiece. Finished perfectly.

2 a pr2 or evo2 exhaust will never get near the performance of a VTM.

3 a c21 THAT is a cheap looking exhaust, build in a few minutes.

#1) I said the exhaust LOOKS cheap, not is cheap, LOOKS cheap.

#2) If it's such a "masterpeice" then how come there isn't a huge demand for those pipes? How come Mr.VTM hasn't continued production and also made newer models? I've only ever seen them twice before, and they didn't impress me that much. It's my opinion, and I'm entitled to it thank you.

#3) a PR2 (newer model with straighter header) will perform just as well if not better than that old VTM pictured.....I let one of the guys who has one try my pipe it it scored +.7 hp over the VTM.

#4) I could buy a cheap looking yasuni C21 and a new malossi variator for the price of that pipe, and it'd STILL out-perform the VTM. The yasuni may look cheap also, but it out-performs it, which makes it worth more to me.

Listen to what people like Browni have to tell you dude. You can look at that pipe and tell it's made out of cheap metal. The welds aren't any better than those on a PR2 or Malossi Team and to me, it's not worth the price. I pay twice as much money for my parts just because of where I live in the world. When you're paying $500 US for a cyl, $500 for a pipe, etc. you learn to research you're shit to make sure it'll run awesome on you're set-up. I know about the VTM, never said it was a peice of shit, just said it wasn't worth the money to a racer like myself.

Oh DJ, I own 4 mobylette's that are all more than 45 years old, two silver greys, and 2 blue "mailman" versions. I understand what it means to own something that is unique and exclusive, but you can't compare a pipe to a car or a whole bike. If you wanna go that route, try this for some homework: ever heard of 51V? Made by motobecane over 25 years ago, came out of the shop pushing 70mph. Only 7,000 ever made. Now that's exclusive. Got one?