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SRS Evolution B Nrg


Registered User
Some pictures of my Nrg sprint Mc3. Am from sweden so my english is not the best See you.

Picture of the scoot

-Runner /lc block evo2 tuned by AD preformence
-Polini EvoB 70cc tuned by AD preformence
-Malossi Mhr team06 pipe
-Mallossi Mhr 24mm Carburetur
-Mallossi Mhr 45% insug
-Mallossi Mhr e13
-Mallossi Mhr Disc
-Mallossi Mhr Or Kit
-Mallossi Mhr Torque Drive
-Mallossi Mhr Delta 107mm)
-Mallossi Mhr springs
-Mallossi Mhr C4 teflon bearings
-Mallossi Mhr Sekundär 14/55
-Metrakit Pro race2 vev 12mm
-Italkit inerottor Sellettra
-Polini Evo Carbon redds
-Polini Race belt
-Polini Primär
-Stage6 3,50g
-Denso W34ES-ZU

- Stage6 Oversize 280mm
- Stage6 Small Disc
- Stage6 ssp Crome Kick
- Stage6 temp/rpm
- Fornales
- Duno Racing tyres
- Stålombuntnaslangar
- Easton E50
- Tomaseli Snabbgas
- Dödmansgrep
- Blå bensinslangar
- Racing-fotpinnar
- Runner 50 Rims

- Engine
- Carburetur
- Cylinder

- Breakpinns
- Break
- Gaffel
- Variator
- wheels
- etc..

Here are some more pictures

Team speed2 2006

the Evo flens made by SRS

some parts arrived

Started my scoot today it runs like hell ;P

More to come...

Dont forget to comment!
See you
Last edited:
Renz P. Quote
Nothing special just 4 fun wouldent be nice to be sponred but i dont have the stuff i think... bye!
Do you use a different flanger for your team06 pipe?
Cause it looks kinda flat :#

Nice bike 8)
I'm not real familiar with your carb/engine, but it is sitting at quite an angle! Am I wrong, or does the bowl not fill very much with fuel? I would guess that you could run out of fuel on a long WOT run. Or am I wrong?
Anyway, it looks very nice! I normally do not like a solid black paint job, but it looks really good for your scoot.

that angle is normal , and the carb wil fill with fuel all the time ,
this will make no problem !
nice cars in your carway

nice project, like your nrg, but why u wana drive an ittalkit rotor?

stay tuned patrick
Thanx for all comments
Dont no really but i dont have the cash to an eprom so it will be Hpi or italkit...