N Nisseman 2Fast4Race BWS 20 October 2006 #22 chricke said: Why slicks? Click to expand... why not? pure sprint
chricke Well-Known Member 22 October 2006 #23 Haha Okay why not when we go for sprint race Good luck with your project! (Kämpa på)
N Nisseman 2Fast4Race BWS 25 October 2006 #26 Renz P. said: Nice! You gonna sell the selletra? Click to expand... yepp
Wesley S. DE EMHAER BOY! 25 October 2006 #27 Nice project you have. good luck amd dont drive to fast he pz out RSC STREEROX
XSL-Martijn Well-Known Member 16 November 2006 #30 daaammm i like all youre stuff, youre frame, youre boddy work, youre rims , youre cillinder. Im wondering how mutch hp that negra will get
daaammm i like all youre stuff, youre frame, youre boddy work, youre rims , youre cillinder. Im wondering how mutch hp that negra will get
SaTaNaSsO Well-Known Member 19 November 2006 #32 AWESOME.... :O the patanegra is so exciting... i wonder how much hp is patanegra+C30...
N Nisseman 2Fast4Race BWS 20 November 2006 #33 SaTaNaSsO said: AWESOME.... :O the patanegra is so exciting... i wonder how much hp is patanegra+C30... Click to expand... well soon we will know
SaTaNaSsO said: AWESOME.... :O the patanegra is so exciting... i wonder how much hp is patanegra+C30... Click to expand... well soon we will know