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Polini EVO vs. Malossi MHR!


Swedish Tuner
Hi folks!
At the moment I have a 200km old EVO70 kit for my Sonic LC! It´s in a perfect condition, not had any problems with it at all..

But now I have the uppertunity to sell it, and put some 15€ extra to rather get a new kit or buy an MHR 70. I am not talking about the TeamSpeed, just the regular MHR.

Will this new kit perform better than my EVO? Cuase almost everything in the rest of my setup will be from Malossi, as if it would make any difference..

I am also wondering what squish I should be going with, both on EVO and MHR? You can find the rest of my setup in the signature..

Best regards // Björn
Yep and make sure your evo is getting Tuned right it will have better performance imo
everything I have read and heard from people on forums, parts distributers alike... the MHR cylinders don't wear well... you'll be replacing it soon...

the corsa parts are better built and last longer...

I had a MHR cylinder ordered and canceled it and went with a Polini Corsa/R just because the reliability issues of the mhr stuff...
that's true i've an MHR 70 LC on my Jog & the nikasil plating just broke off the cilinder wall for no reason at all, i found that out when i opened up my motor to check for piston ring wear. you'd be much better off with a MK PR2 kit or keep your EVO cilinder.
.....Maybe i'm biased with Malossi but i have no problems with the first MHR cylinder that i have used....3 yrs when i inherited it from the first owner and the plating is still ok.....The mileage when i bought it is around 13000 kms and he had 4 piston kit replacements with it.....I never had a chance to use an Evo though....Well, goodluck on your choices....
I don't think so. My MK Pro Kit is faster than my Evo, tuned. Untuned the Evo has more torque.

....But one thing is for sure....An MHR cylinder kit is not a modular type head cylinder and already an aging model.....An Evo, Prorace etc, all of these are top of the line models with modular heads...They should be compared with Malossi's MHRTeam Cylinder..... <]
What a bullshit, there isn't a 'fastest' cilinder kit, it depends on what you're doing with it. The highest score in Holland with a Evo is 22,6 i thought....and with a Speed 22,4. But i know it for sure that as well the Evo as the Speed cilinder will score 23+hp this year...

but then again, do ride it at WOT all the time? the reason tiba's plating falls of because, his setup is for racing... i believe that if you use a racing cylinder for everyday user, it'll last for a long time.

you could use an old mhr block on the streets, and it'll still have enough power to leave most of the scoots behind, but if you use it in competitions, an old cylinder will just give you lots of 2 stroke smoke, you'll get left behind.

just my two cents
icedeocampo said:
but then again, do ride it at WOT all the time? the reason tiba's plating falls of because, his setup is for racing... i believe that if you use a racing cylinder for everyday user, it'll last for a long time.

no my friend it's definitely a bad plating, the plating broke off near the top of the cilinder which is above the left transfer port. i didn't nick the cilinder wall when i ported my MHR LC barrel, Malossi factory nikasil isn't just as good as aftermarket nikasil.
I have seen that happen before. Here are some possibilities;

1. Wrong type of dremel bit.
2. Speed of the Dremel was wrong.


Sure Malossi NiKaSil isn't the best, cause Malossi uses his own NiKaSil plating, that's why Polini is better, cause it uses the gilcil/gilardoni EVG plate!
Speed said:
I have seen that happen before. Here are some possibilities;

1. Wrong type of dremel bit.
2. Speed of the Dremel was wrong.


And the angle of the tool is very important too!! The fine diamond is very goog for the NiKaSil!
so guys when considering value for money

out of both of the cylinders with Modular heads

which is better

Polini Evo or Malossi Team Cylinder