Nutteloosche Plaatjes #36

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On May 17, 2010 08:32 UTC, The Iceland Met office indicates that a small earthquake has occurred at the Katla location. In what could be an early indication of the event that is expected to occur (an eruption of Katla), a small earthquake is reported at the site, it could be the first sigh of the awakening powerful giant.
Gelukkig vlieg ik nooit :P Kan me voorstellen dat een nog veel grotere aswolk wel iets meer gevolgen gaat hebben dan alleen voor het vliegverkeer...
Mn schoonzusje gaat over een paar maanden op vakantie naar Ijsland, die zal wel mooie plaatjes schieten :P

On May 17, 2010 08:32 UTC, The Iceland Met office indicates that a small earthquake has occurred at the Katla location. In what could be an early indication of the event that is expected to occur (an eruption of Katla), a small earthquake is reported at the site, it could be the first sigh of the awakening powerful giant.

Super Volcano Effects

-Magma would be hurled 30 miles up into the atmosphere
-Complete devastation of an area the size of North America or Europe
-Volcanic ash would cover the devastated area to depths ranging from hundreds of feet to as much as six inches – thousands of miles away
-Anything within 500 miles of the eruption would be completely destroyed
-Sunlight would be blotted out for months followed by a dim and cold volcanic winter lasting for several years
-Global temperature would drop 20 degrees
-Mini Ice Age
-75% off of all plant species would die off
-World agriculture would be devastated
-Mass starvation
-The very survival of human civilization would be threatened




Om precies te zijn naar




Daarbij hoop ik dat ik geen last krijg van



On May 17, 2010 08:32 UTC, The Iceland Met office indicates that a small earthquake has occurred at the Katla location. In what could be an early indication of the event that is expected to occur (an eruption of Katla), a small earthquake is reported at the site, it could be the first sigh of the awakening powerful giant.

Sja volgens deze metingen is er niets aan de hand...

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