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Danish Manston Sonic.

I think this overrange is specially for a Minaralli short crankcase, So no modifications has to be done Although a overrange for a long crankcase will not fit, unless the crankcase cover has modified, but this is not good for the stiffness of the crankcase.
For the overrange, i took a Dremmel, and took 1-2 mm of the "carterkap" on the inside.

Today I'm going to the postoffice to pick up my new sonic frontshield, so i can get on with modifying it

I have also ordered some parts fron Euroscooters:
AIM Toerenteller
Tommasselli Snelgas
TNT Waterpompdeksel Chrom

Can't wait to have all the parts
very nice project!! does chromed exhaust last?? i dont think it can handle the heat..

just keep us updated.
Dall said:
My croming has no problem handling the heat

it may take sometime, in the near future the chrome plating might chip off because of very hot exhaust. it will start at the flange/header/elbow part..

I like that HR2 aswell as the Yasuni c21..
I think a smaller pipe looks better underneath a small scooter then a big one..
