Danish Manston Sonic.

I think this overrange is specially for a Minaralli short crankcase, So no modifications has to be done :) Although a overrange for a long crankcase will not fit, unless the crankcase cover has modified, but this is not good for the stiffness of the crankcase.
For the overrange, i took a Dremmel, and took 1-2 mm of the "carterkap" on the inside.

Today I'm going to the postoffice to pick up my new sonic frontshield, so i can get on with modifying it :)

I have also ordered some parts fron Euroscooters:
AIM Toerenteller
Tommasselli Snelgas
TNT Waterpompdeksel Chrom

Can't wait to have all the parts :D
Dall said:
My croming has no problem handling the heat :)

it may take sometime, in the near future the chrome plating might chip off because of very hot exhaust. it will start at the flange/header/elbow part..


And tomorrow i'll go and pick up my package from Euroscooters ;)

I like that HR2 aswell as the Yasuni c21..
I think a smaller pipe looks better underneath a small scooter then a big one..
