
like Roost and I are saying, you need to create more voltage to the plug. Thats through the ignition coil. Caps store energy but dont create any. You need a stronger source (race ignition) and a better ignitor (iridium plugs).
Yes small parts make teh bike better, but why not do it correctly.

Do you guys with race ignitions (malossi, selletra, etc) really have a problem with misfires etc. Who cares if not!
like Roost and I are saying, you need to create more voltage to the plug. Thats through the ignition coil. Caps store energy but dont create any. You need a stronger source (race ignition) and a better ignitor (iridium plugs).
Yes small parts make teh bike better, but why not do it correctly.

Do you guys with race ignitions (malossi, selletra, etc) really have a problem with misfires etc. Who cares if not!


Who said palsmabooster is for people who have bad ignition, misfires etc?? Sure before you do this you need an excellent ignition system.

"Caps store energy but dont create any"
Wow are you an electrical engineer? LOL :P

Just read the text above (again) cause you don't understand it!! This is not about creating energy from nothing!! This is using the energy comes from the coil with more efficiency. Cause if you don't know the sparking system's resistance is huge!!

On the other you think "iridium plug" is a big improvement, and you reject the plasmabooster! Wow that's a big paradox!
"the amount of heat will stay the same"
I don't want to argue with you, but I think you don't undersatnd this whole thing! The indicated heat isn't the same!! The current conversion to heat is much more efficiency!!!!

The amount of heat in Joules stayes the same.
The temperature will raise, that's something different.

However you have to use a sparkplug with 0 ohm reistance, or if you don't find this type of plug, try to finsd a spark with very small resistance (it is avaible). Measure different type of sparkplugs and you will find it! And you don't use spark plug cap too. Finally you weill have a quite samll resistance system!!

If you still don't undersatnd it I can't help for you!!

You are a automotive engineer like me.
I guess you know that in a serial linked electrical system with 2 resistors, the highest voltage is over the highest resistance.
Well, that high resistor is your plug gap. Since that is 0.5mm of gas, you'll probably agree with me that is a very, very high resistance.

The small resistor the cable and plug cap. If that is 5 ohm of 5000 ohm doesn't make any remarkable difference since it is still a very small fraction of the plug gap resistance.

I agree with Roost that investing in a good ignition system is a much better choice.
The amount of heat in Joules stayes the same.
The temperature will raise, that's something different.

You are a automotive engineer like me.
I guess you know that in a serial linked electrical system with 2 resistors, the highest voltage is over the highest resistance.
Well, that high resistor is your plug gap. Since that is 0.5mm of gas, you'll probably agree with me that is a very, very high resistance.

The small resistor the cable and plug cap. If that is 5 ohm of 5000 ohm doesn't make any remarkable difference since it is still a very small fraction of the plug gap resistance.

I agree with Roost that investing in a good ignition system is a much better choice.
Because of the higher temperature of the spark, the resistance will drop.

The spark also needs a minimum amount of current (holding current). If the current reduces below the holding current, the spark will stop.

Both properties give the ignitionsystem in combination with a "plasmabooster" a higher efficiency, so the spark itself is more powerfull.

This is all in theory, for the moment I can't say it will work in practice, but I'm going to find out myself.
The amount of heat in Joules stayes the same.
The temperature will raise, that's something different.

You are a automotive engineer like me.
I guess you know that in a serial linked electrical system with 2 resistors, the highest voltage is over the highest resistance.
Well, that high resistor is your plug gap. Since that is 0.5mm of gas, you'll probably agree with me that is a very, very high resistance.

The small resistor the cable and plug cap. If that is 5 ohm of 5000 ohm doesn't make any remarkable difference since it is still a very small fraction of the plug gap resistance.

I agree with Roost that investing in a good ignition system is a much better choice.

"Well, that high resistor is your plug gap. Since that is 0.5mm of gas, you'll probably agree with me that is a very, very high resistance."

Hm this is your problem or your incomplete knowedge!! Before the spark comes into being, the spark-gap has an endless resistances BUT after the spark exists (or created) it's reistance will be very very small, not only small but the smallest resitsance in the sparking system!!! So we have a system with a little reistances spark and with a big resitsance sparkplug (and wire too). Because it's hard to decrease the reistance of the sparking system (sure you can use 0 Ohm sparkplug etc) we have to increase the resistance of the spark!!! The solution for this problem is the frequency!! So we use have to use capacitors! Becasue ot the skin-effect it will be better but I don'T expalin it to you, just read it somewhere!

However you talk about cats and I talk about dogs! So we can't agree with eachother!!

"The amount of heat in Joules stayes the same.
The temperature will raise, that's something different."

**** edited ****Do you design pipes with this knowedge? Or do you use simple softwares??

Did you hear about entropy? Do you know the coherence between the gas entophy and temeperature?? Entropy and internal heat/energy are in close connection!!

I don't continue the dispute cause it's pointless!! I recommend this to you too!! Thank you!
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I wait with patience for more testing on this stuff.
Too bad on the downside of the whole thing, narrows down the useful range a bit, cause for me it would probably help a bunch.
When I´m running on a rich (wetter sparkplugs than with gasoline fuel) and slowburning fuel like ethanol, i would need nore spark energy.

But I guess I´ll have to go on with Iridium plugs for now anyway...
if it works why are these things not used in the gp and superbikes
i think that there are more negative effects then positive
and i think that it wil do no good on your piston
if it works why are these things not used in the gp and superbikes
i think that there are more negative effects then positive
and i think that it wil do no good on your piston

Lot of things aren't in gp!! So this isn't a very good argument!

"it wil do no good on your piston" :?

Any explanation ????

If you say something without any base, it is frivolous !

This is not a new thing, it was popular at the 1970 ages, there was a lot of version of thsi sparkplug, but nobody knows it, they siappeared!!
They installed a plasmabooster on a two storke motocross.
Comments from article:

yet fastest 250 we’ve ever ridden

is one of the best performance modifications available today.
Hey, I already stated my opinion. I copied that comment from an reliable source; the macdizzy forum.

Ok, I know! It was only a joke as you see!!

"I copied that comment from an reliable source; the macdizzy forum"

So this is not your expereience or opinion!

Why do you think it'S 100% reliable? This is only another type "forum"
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On the DirectHits homepage they give a lot of BS. Like that most sparks endure up to 10m/s of MSV. This is total BS.

How the hell can "more powerful" spark increase the flame front speed?? It can't. That is a chemical thing of the mixture.

Modern ignitions do the work as it should. Where have you took the info that it can increase the power by 10-15%?
Ok i've thought about this issue and came up with an answer

If you look at the placement of the Capacitors they are simply in parallel with the spark plug gap, all it's doing is reducing the overall resistance of the dis-charge circuit, remember a capacitor is like a short circuit to fast changing currents.
So it will indeed dissipate the stored energy in the CDI capacitor faster, but of course at the same time, these capacitors are also going to steal some energy hence taking it away from energy that could be made available to the spark plug.
So my final advice is just take a spark plug with very low resistance.
The apparent stronger spark is merely just the shorter time period to discharge.
I dont know the method to calculate the air resistance, but it should be possible to find out will the spark now carry more current when compared to the case without the capacitors
On the DirectHits homepage they give a lot of BS. Like that most sparks endure up to 10m/s of MSV. This is total BS.

How the hell can "more powerful" spark increase the flame front speed?? It can't. That is a chemical thing of the mixture.

Modern ignitions do the work as it should. Where have you took the info that it can increase the power by 10-15%?

"Modern ignitions do the work as it should."

Wow, now you told me the truth! What do you mean modern, oh boy!!

Roost you are really retarded!! I write it down several times, what is the theory! Not only creates more heat, but more particles can burn ina constant period!!

You can be skeptical, but than tell me something evident disproof!

"I read it on the Macdizzy forum" Directhit is BS" keyworld modern ignition These aren't expositions!!

You can only revil directhit! Ok, let's do it with you cause this is your style:

You talk about tecnology and chemistry, but you use a playing software to design pipes, don't you think this is nonsense? What you call pipe designing it's only a joke, you use only a few dates to "design" a pipe, they are necessary but not sufficient to create a real good pipe. You ask the purpose of the pipe than you create your own factors from your imagination without any science. You call it "pipe designing experience"! No simulations, real calculation (it takes a lot of time) or dyno testing, just make a pipe, maybe it will be good or not. Min 200-300 euro is a real designing/simulating software to design the right pipe and lot of time!!

But you rather make a pipe that is quite good looking, but without technology!

So after this you can criticise any company!!
Browni you must be having some bad mood day or something
No need for personal insults to Roost

Do you honestly believe this tiny little spark actually heats the gas mixture purely from the little bit of energy it dissipates? surely this little bit of heat is totally insignificant to the total Entropy of the compressed gas

Thats really bullshit, the spark will heat the mixture purely by igniting the gas particles
No, MacDizzy just confirmed my toughts why this thing doesn't help.

In the whole thread I haven't seen any good theoretical explanation of why this thing would increase the power. Only expalnations that can't be true.
You can't increase the fuel burn speed by increasing the spark power.
You can't heat up the whole mixture charge with just the spark (as Eoin sayd)

Yes, I'm retarded, but not as much as you. Who said I use my ExhaustCalculator2 for designing pipes??? What makes you think that? I spent years in developing all kinds of pipes, they have been used for all kinds of applications, from skiroes to ethanol dragracers. I race at my national trophy, with my pipe, and nearly half of the others use them.
I made excellent pipes, even when they looked like an donkey-ass, but if I wish to sell some, then they also have to look good.