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Yamaha YQ50 Aerox Backfiring & Not Starting


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Last nite, I left my house and as I was going down the road the Aerox started to backfire. It didn't do it for about 15 mins. I then filled up with normal unleaded and about 2 mins after filling up it started backfiring like mad. It then started to die on me. I was using full throttle but moving at about 5mph. It then cut out on me completly and I haven't been able to start it since. I have changed the spark plug (the correct one) and have got a Haynes Scooters Book but theres not much in there.
Can anyone else help me??

Thanks alot,
The spark plug wire or boot or even the coil could be bad. A short in the wires that feed the coil could do it. An excess of carbon deposit in the cylinder can also cause back fire. And a cluged jet or float valve can give erratic running. So can craked or broken reeds.
First check the spark by connecting a plug and resting it against the metal frame.

New spark plug? If not test a new one. Correct Length of the thread on spark plug? Clean carb. Check reed, Crank, cylinder and so on...
It could be the ground wire.

Take a new wire and connect to both the engine and the frame.

I have ordered a new CDI unit for the bike because I have a feeling it could be the timing of the spark.
Should try it out tomorrow.
Thanks for all your help.
Will update tomorrow