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steer-by-wire formula 125


gefufn tjuner
Built by a guy from Croatia, lot of money and engineering put into it. Too bad it's unfinished and for sale.

[ame=""]YouTube - first test[/ame]

Brilliant! I wouldn't ride it, but have to admire the

It takes some guts to trust the electronics when steering is concerned but he said that safety issue has been covered. There's a system with safety cables that should take over steering if anything goes wrong.
Well, just for the sake of discussion, cables can stretch.
Assume the electronics fails while cornering, you could get
an instant small change in the steering angle. Worst case
it could also wobble due to the cables acting (in a small way)
like springs. I'd feel better about it if it was all hydraulic, with
no electronics at all.

Still, for a small enthusiast to make this is great, and I hope he
gets rewarded with a good sale price.
Yes, but it opens the way for a lot of possibilities..

Variable height system

At high speeds it lowers to this . Can't tell if it's still ugly.
Damn impressive... Imagine when you're driving it, gaining speed and along the acceleration the bike drops! Maybe not really something for a scooter, but think about a motorcycle.. :~
Yes, but it opens the way for a lot of possibilities..

Variable height system

At high speeds it lowers to this . Can't tell if it's still ugly.

Intresting... A height system at slow speeds it rises but when fast its down thats creative but still what if you go to a turn and it wobbles? but very creative.
but such a steering system takes away precious "feel" (feedback) from the handle bars which is important on a 2wheeler, i can only see that only for show.
How many steer-by-wire 2wheelers have you riden?
Nobody said it should be riden everyday, and almost every scooter project on this forum and on lot of others is "for show" with parts bolted on, stupid undertails, custom fairings, 1000 euro paint jobs etc. Everyone can spend 3000 euro on a scooter. But this what you can see here is what I call a real engeneering jewl and the most important its REALLY unique.