Spedfight 2 Poor Gear change time slow acceleration


Well-Known Member
Some one help Me pleaseeee... I have a peugeot speedfight 2 derestricted with a racing exhaust and a 78 jet... it will sit at 55mph on a flat easily and will do about 65mph downhill. When im at a standstill i give my bike full revs and it is gutless untill it makes it to about 5mph then the gearing kicks in and i fly.. it makes it impossible for me to stop on steep hills as my bike will not get to 5mph very quick when under so much pressure.. the acceleration is just generaly poor untill it gets into that second gearing.. i have 4.9gram racing rollers and have spend around £40 on rollers trying weights from 9.5 grams down to my current 4.9s and these give me the quickest gear up change time. I recently bought a new belt and clutch however i do not know what springs i have got in my clutch i also do not know how tough my central spring is either.. anyone got any ideas.. thankyou...
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is it the gear change or as though it is strugglin,
if it is strugglin then maybe your jet is too big and it is flooding it when ur tryin to set off :/
With just a performance exhaust a small jet change will be required. But thats not youre problem. You got too soft clutch springs. Change clutch springs to harder ones. And it will work fine!
ive got a fully de-restricted gianelli race can, 78 jet and a standard air box. my clutch is new and standard. a friend said it could be a prolem with the reeds ? Zmod you sure thats that the problem because it seems a pretty simple solution for a big problem and most garages and shops i have been to said it will take them a while to figure out what it was as it is not just a small problem. Thanks ;)
i had the same problem a while back it was crap at first until it gained revs WITH speed. My problem was the clutch, one the springs were weak and the second reason was the clutch was dirty ooor shiney from heat, i cleaned it off with sand paper (but you can use clutch and brake cleaner) and re-fitted it. After this it was fine so in saying this i agree with zmod.


what you say does make sense but i cant see how it can be the problem as i had a brand new clutch fitted around 500miles ago to try and solve the problem... again all my friends say that it might be the reeds because the bike sounds so dull when it is started.. it sounds like it is going to die but it doesnt it just ticks over and extremely loew revs.. yesterday i cleaned jets and carb and airbox but still it dopes not move.. thanks for your help everyone.. i suppose i will have to buy some clutch springs and see if they help Thankyou ;)