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sending parts back to scooter attack HELP!!

john wadsworth

Well-Known Member
is it easy to send parts back to scooter-attack? i have just opend my stage6 racing cylinder to fined its got a mark on the compretion bit of the bore , do u think thy will give me my money back ? cus am not pleased with the cylinder at all lol

first of all
U should call scooterattack,they will help u more than here...

Make pics and sent them to SA after u ve talk to them.they ll tell u what to do.
And of course,if u dropped the cyl or did anything to it (prove the opposite) NO,u wont get anything back.its really rare but of course possible that it comes with an failure...neverless,post some pics,maybe its harmless or normal...according to ur questions ^^ u still need to learn quiet a lot ^^

btw,my mate Butch 182 is from UK too?he could be eventually a help or race competition etc..

Besides,i ve made over 30 orders with scooterattack and never got dissappointed...GREAT service...just call them!!!

EDIT: on ur ticket,check out the back,it tells u what to do