questions about keisler frame


Well-Known Member
i jus wanted to know about these frames..
are they light compared to a regular moped frame?
i did the conversion and they dont seem to cost that much. Is there any place i can get one shipped to hawaii?
Whats your guys opinion on this frame set up?
thanks and aloha
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The kieslerframe's suck's, recently a guy died in (I believe) Denmark. This guy was racing on a kieslerframe.
Its a waste of money when you gonna buy that frame.
The kieslerframe's suck's, recently a guy died in (I believe) Denmark. This guy was racing on a kieslerframe.
Its a waste of money when you gonna buy that frame.

It was a swedish guy named Erik Raner (Dood) , that lost controll over the dragster and crashed and died. rip
that does'nt make sense,
you tell it like youre gonna die of you ride a kiesler frame:S

For the money you spend, you can better create your'e own frame.
yeah seen that vid, pretty crazy! Hope no one else gets into a accident like that.I think the reason for that was that bike rim on the front. I have been working at a bike shop for over 25 years , and I would never use a bike rim for that purpose. way to skinny and i dont know of any tires that are even close to being speed rated. I know its light weight , but there is a place where safety over rules speed..
The Kiesler frame is HEAVY. Its just an overall bad designed frame. So build one yourself if u can or try to find something else.
the kiesler frame is heavy, and there are more things about it, but there is no reason to NOT buy it because someone died on it.
there are plenty of accidents happends with aerox, neos, dragsters, betas, rally's etc.

and there are still people riding on, because it doens't say anything about the frame.

especially when some people are using the wrong stuff for building.