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Old school Sr

I Like your style; small budget big difference! But you are not using that cracked/welded casings right?
It's best to throw them away! that's never going to work!

Can you post some pictures of the porting& flowing you did on the cilinder and casings i'm very curious.

Keep up the good work!!
This project and its budget was not so small as i planned :#

Fastly counted this cost me about 500euros and about 50hours to make?
Luckyly i lost in the counting. 8P

The porting had to left for the future because the driving weathers are running out soon and had to get sr fast back to the streets 8)

If i would started building sr in the winter, then i would enough time to do everything as i planned! :X

Only 2months left to drive if i dont lose my license plates :|

Army is also knoking at my door in january 2008 and it will force me to limit my hobbyes with scooters |(

But after army i'll try to get a new working place at my local motorbike service! :winner:

I'll also be moving maybe to maxi scooters, thanks to the police :|

Unfortunately im unsing the cracked casing. x|

If i dont sell sr, ill replace it in the winter offcourse! Im hoping that it lasts these next 2months. Ill try to avoid putting any unnecessary weight to the casings. O-)

Porting the barkit cylinder completely would not make a really big difference in the end, because the timigs are stock class.

Thinking that i would straight away buy a s6sp. Littlebit spicyer kit that s6sp.

S6r would need a new crank and bigger carb and better exhaust.

Running a bit low on the money side, gotta recover for sometime 8P

Im also planning to buy my first thp back! I have talked with the owner for few weeks and he has lost hope with tph and 1 owner before him kept it like shit and now it is in really poor condition.

Planning to save thp :love:

Bigger rims and new front shoks would be nice and so on. The paintjob would be finished also. <]

Stay tuned! :W