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Het grote Nutteloze/Leuke Filmpjes topic #9

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zet dan 1 op 1 in een ring en dan om de beurt kan die ook nog verdedigen vast maken verlaag je je tot zijn niveau dus kunnen we hen ook weer op binden en ga zo maar door.

maar echt schockent is het niet maar vindt niet echt leuk om naar te kijken ofzo :7
zo leert die het tenminste af, die zal zich wel 3x bedenken voordat die weer wat jat, en daar gaat het om.
Uh had even last van een raar momentje sorry heb m al gewist, nu de quote nog

[ame=""]YouTube - IPhone IGun or how having fun in car[/ame]

dit is ook.... slecht haha (of was het hier waar ik hem gezien had ?)
Begin ging nog wel maar dat meppen met die touwen trok ik ook niet hoor. Je ziet die gast echt volledig kapot gaan vd pijn. Vrij sick.
Beetje zielig om hem aan die paal vast te maken zodat ie helemaal niks kan terug doen...
Ga dan 1 op 1 ofzo.
Vergeet niet dat die mensen daar voor een paar centen per dag zich de tyfus werken he, als er dan zo'n negert langs komt en die jat aan spul waar jij jaren voor heb gewerkt ga je flink out.
Thugs attack two transvestites... who turn out to be cage fighters wearing fancy dress

Two thugs who attacked what they thought were a pair of transvestites picked on the wrong men - when their intended victims turned out to be cage fighters on a night out in fancy dress.
Dean Gardener, 19, and Jason Fender, 22, singled out the two men walking along a street in wigs, short skirts and high heels.

Bare-chested Gardener was caught on CCTV confronting one of the men in a pink wig, black skirt and boob tube - then seen swinging a punch, a court heard.
But the other cage fighter, wearing a sparkling black dress and matching long wig, sprang to his friend's help, delivering two lightning-quick punches to the two stunned yobs.

The cage fighters were then seen teetering away in their high heels, stopping only to pick up a clutch bag they dropped during the melee.
Gardener and Fender were left dazed and seen staggering to their feet after their failed attack.

CCTV cameras followed the pair as they weaved along The Kingsway in Swansea, South Wales, before being arrested by police.
Mark Davies, defending, said: 'You know it cannot have been a good night when you get into a fight with two cross-dressing men.

'Unfortunately they were extremely drunk'.
'They had been out drinking jugs of cocktails and Fender had drunk at least 10 pints of cider.'

Police later discovered the two drag queens were cage fighters on a fancy dress stag night out with other friends.
Both Gardener and Fender, from Bonymaen, Swansea, pleaded guilty to using abusive words and behaviour.
CCTV footage of the attacks was shown at Swansea Magistrates' Court. It shows them fighting with several men before the approach the two cage fighters.

The pair were sentenced to a four-month community order, were electronically tagged and placed under a curfew between 7pm to 7am.

vanaf 1:00 min ongeveer
[ame=""]YouTube - 'Drag queen' floors thugs in Swansea, wales, uk street fight[/ame]
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