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Doppler tuningsparts

*nrg racing*

Well-Known Member
Hello dudes!
Here the 1. I gets some money an want to buy some tune parts but can't deside what to chose!
I would like to try the doppler 50ccm cylinder and the doppler S3R exhaust, but I have an fabrizi 50mm cylinder and if now I put an pinasco exhaust on that insted would that be an better choise? The most importans is the accelaration and not the top speed!
the parts thats already are on my scoot: malossi 2k,19mm kabu,polini evo membran,hebo "R",doppler endurance so what parts would be the best?

Sorry for my bad english!
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i would say POLINI 70CC SPORT and a "BASIC" exhaust 4 good acceleration...and not to high topspeed and not loud...Good Luck
Because a 70cc has more volume than a 50cc you have more power and acceleration.
Im not familiar with pinasco or fabrizi so i cant advice you. But i though pinasco has 2 exhaust.. a 70cc version and 50cc. Wich of the 2 do you want.
But like i said 70cc has more power and acceleration. You can also try a bigger carb from 12mm to 17.5mm!
