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Another Aerox Problem

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Well-Known Member
x|i have search the net and posted on severell forums but nobody knows the answer!x|

i have a 03 yamaha aerox "toyota racing edition" and basically i bought it about 4 months ago and was running perfectly untill i went to get the rollers changed and the bloke threaded the crank which is the nut holding on the variator. So i had to get a new crank fitted it was done and had new seals and bearings and when i got it back it is absolutly F*cked, if u try to pull away on a hill it wont and if you pull away from stand still it will pick up speed slowly untill 15mph then powerband untill 20mph then slowly make its way to 35 ish then it powerbands again all the way to 50 then when it goes past 50 it starts to slow down to 50 then goes up and down and so on. Last thing is that if you hold both brakes and full throttle it will shake quite alot and also if u drive for about 30 mins then stop and pull away it will also shake not only that but it also sounds like an old man farting not like it used to be like a propper 50cc noise it is really quiet and doesnt seem to rev high at all ! The specs of my bike are:

Rollers : 4gram at the moment planning to put in some malossi 3.5 this weekend but Not chaned at presant.

engine is ported
reeds have been upgraded

malossi drive belt - bin on for about 1000 miles the rong f*kin way bt sorted now

new ht lead
new spark plug
Fully De-Restricted
new crank shaft
leo vinci ZX Chrome - De-restristricted

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mabe mate but it was running fine before the new crank was fitted? i think it might be the clutch springs. I will tell you what i am going to do:

Change the rollers
Change the Clutch Springs
Change the torque spring for a harder one
Change the drive belt

I think this should sort him out?

i think it was a aftermarket crank but i cannot be sure of the make.

The engine is working fine in higher revs its just in low revs it is really bad. is there anything else anyone can suggest that can cure my lack of low revs?

Thanks for all of the replys!
try rollers first and give feedback you want to go lighter.
see what that does then maybe a mixture screw adjustment
muhuna i have done the rollers and adjusted the idle screw because it was cutting out on idle and it now flys like it did! But with all good things come sh*t things lol. The bike is fine wonce getting past like 7mph and will go on quick as hell from there, there is just no power pulling away? any sugestions?

rite one problem solved, i used to have the same problem with bike, i lightened the rollers even more but sometimes it worked (first time u accelerate from turning it on) then it went like crap after that, i think its because the main jet is a bit too big, dont go too fast but let the carb run without the air filter and give it throttle and see how that goes, the bike will bluhhh becuase its not getting enough fuel so you will have to back off. But off the line should be good.. if this works then your running rich low revs, adjust the mixture screw by 1/4-1/2 turns so it idles the highest (takes 30seconds to adjust mixture roughly) and then see how it goes, you might have to move the needle up a notch
ok mate, i might consider ripping him apart again lol but i thought it is the clutch springs? because the clutch is engadging too early which means it isnt grettin enough revs to pull away? but if it isnt should i keep adjusting the mixture screw?

Cheers mate
nah once the mixture screw is done leave it nd yer ur prob right bout the clutch, ive got very stiff springs in mine
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