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voorvork gezocht.


Broem Broem Pff Pff
Weet iemand misschien of deze voorvork nog leverbaar is en waar te krijgen?

I think about the Paoli Super fork, which you can get for the Aprilia SR, costs 307Euro without any %. I think i can get it much cheaper. The other forks Browni has shown are also interesting, i know them already but i thought the Malossi one is also available for a Minarelli scoot like the SR...

Velo, i think you can get it from Scooter Attack, i know that you drive also a SR, have seen you in Lelystad. I´ve worked at Scooter Attack for some weeks, the Bitubo one you can get for the SR, refering to the Paoli Super Fork Scooter Attack only writes in their cataloge that it´s available for MBK, Yamaha and Malaguti scoots (299Euro) *tztzt*
Or you look at Hester-Motorsport, their you can get also the Paoli Super Fork which costs 307Euro.
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Paioli "dealer" weet ik niet te vinden.