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TJT F1 Exhaust


Well-Known Member

I'm looking out for an TJT F1 Exhaust for Piaggio, but we can't buy those pipes in germany *grrr*
So can you please tell me a internet shop, where i can buy this pipe?

THX for all answers, and sry for my "not-so-good" english

EDIT: SO heres a pic from the pipe, but i saw, your already know this
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THANX man, i think i must buy the hole shop *loveit*

Its such an damn shit that we cant buy so many very good stuff in LeoVince-Land

EDIT: for which class of cylinders is the tjt groub b? does it works for exampul on a polini 70cc sport?
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As far as I know the Gruppo B is in the range of the Yasuni R/Polini 4 Race, though I haven't seen any results from it.

And I know, Germany is still the i-am-really-going-110-with-my-really-cool-ZX-country
I heard about a TJT pipe which performs like a c20??? where can I get this? No, Germany isn't the i-am-realy-going-110-with-my-zx-country anymore

*edit* sorry I didn't look good.... you meant the Gruppo B and i talk about a F1.... well, how performs the F1 on a MHR Speed (Stage4 tuned)? Better than C20???? Has anyone a Powercurve?
Best Regards
Originally posted by RaVeMaSt3r
Hey $aint! Could it be, that I know you from the Tunescoot Forum? thanx for the curve.....

That could very wel be
But I'm not really active there anymore, because they always got the same questions (zx, trophy...), nothing 2 interesting.
The scooter-attack Forum is more interesting