Well-Known Member

Can you beat a dane? - a company that is for Denmark what Scooter-Attack is for Germany, are inviting to a big spring event at Van del park in the first weekend of May 2013 (3.-5.)
And here you will be able to test if you can beat a Dane in sprinting.
Speedline took gold in 2011 where they outran both Maxiscoot and Scooter attack with theyr awesome dragster.

And in 2012 they did the 1/4 mile in 11,2 sek. @ 170 km/h
But maybe you can outrun them in 2013?
At least you will be able to sprint against the top of Danish sprinting with up to 40 hp single cylinders and 60+ hp bi cylinder sprinters at the best area in Denmark - Van del Park, an old airfield near Billund

There will be held competitions in sprint, power and looks, where the strongest and the prettiest scooters will be awarded
There will be a lot of room for fun and driving, good campingfacilities and the scooterscene in Denmark is quite friendly with a very minimum of driving after track closure, but with a good sense of partying.
Stay Tuned on and on (in danish)
I'll try to keep this updated as often as possible!