Scootering Swedish stylee

He man why don`t you post some pics of Swedish girls, I have heard that they look very nice

P.s My name is Lennart its a Swedish name , but does it also means something in Swedish???
Kobus in da house:
My name is Lennart its a Swedish name , but does it also means something in Swedish

Hard to translate but I'll try.... He who takes his brother up the rear..... Noop just pulling your leg...

DP says: I'll keep the pix of our Swedish girls to myself....
wimpie in da house:
why are you being selfish?

OK typical Swedish girl and also a good friend of mine....


DP says: They all look the same.....
wimpie in da house:
de officiele spreektaal is nog steeds NEDERLANDS!!!!

DP says: I get the message.... I guess I'll move on...

wimpie in da house:
edit:i was overreacting a little bit, i'm sorry

DP says. It's cool, no offence taken....
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Anthro in da house:
i want more of those nice movies

Stay tuned.... Next Wednesday (weather permitting) there will be a new one.....

DP says: The Dr S & Smurf film team is as we speak planing the next movie....
Damn, That Aeroxdude rocks man 8)

I tryed to make a wheelie a few times but i'm scared for the situation @ the last shot @ your movie..

Welcom man, Welcom to the biggest scooter family :D
Folkert@MinaRally in da house:
Welcome DiTech pilota aka Dragster Pilota

Ciao Dude aka Dutch Royal T I guess I'm on your home turf..... Nice to see how small the scooter-tuning-world is, USA, Holland, Italy, UK, Sweden and Denmark we are alll over the .net....

DP says: I guess the both of us are world wide....
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Originally posted by DiTech pilota
Folkert@MinaRally in da house:
Welcome DiTech pilota aka Dragster Pilota

Ciao Dude aka Dutch Royal T I guess I'm on your home turf..... Nice to see how small the scooter-tuning-world is, USA, Holland, Italy, UK, Sweden and Denmark we are alll over the .net....

DP says: I guess the both of us are world wide....

Yes indeed, DRT here on homebase.

And true, the scootertuning virus has conquerd the world.