Manston2@kundo F1

*nrg racing*

Well-Known Member

My scoot projekt is finally started a piaggio NRG...until now my composition has been manston2 and a kundo f1 because I want something that is "different" from all the other wich drive with "evo".

first tot the exhasut: But will they work probaly togheter? because I have been told that manston2 requires a lot of rev's and that the f1 might not will work probally on the manston2? At the start it will just be "out of the box" but later on it might be tuned..will the f1 still be enough...if not which exhaust will you so

and a littel cylinder question:
I have also thought of the "new" team speed2 would you prefer that insteand of the manston2? if so would the f1 be abel to reives the RPM the ts2 takes?(sorry for my bad english and the bed way to explain what I mean)btw i from Denmark so as far as i know the manston2 and ts2 is not so used here
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