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Heidenau Slicks


Team SBR
Hello, does anyone have experience with the Heidenau slicks? Preferably the 3.50x10 size, but any info on them period will be a great help...
Those rims are a a little lighter, than the original sp2000 rims.. They are also a lot more beautifull

The Heidenau-slicks warm up easily.. The grip on a track haven't I tested yet, but I've heard, they've got the same grip like a Dunlop tt91...
The Scooter-Attack Zip's used them last year in the German Scooter-cup.
Don't know if they still use them ,but they didn't perform worse than the TT's.
So where can I get a set of those rims?

Sander said:
Those rims are a a little lighter, than the original sp2000 rims.. They are also a lot more beautifull

The Heidenau-slicks warm up easily.. The grip on a track haven't I tested yet, but I've heard, they've got the same grip like a Dunlop tt91...
Dante'sZIP said:
So where can I get a set of those rims?

I've got a set of those rims for sale at te moment...., If you're interested, you can send a private message...

I've seen the racing slicks without the nerve my own, It's total the same slick, only the nerve has been dissapeard. Some of the SBO-racers will use the slick this season.