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Borås Sprint Weekend 2008


Well-Known Member
Hello, we are going to orginize an big meeting in Sweden, Borås (near Gotenburg) and i wanted to check the intrest at this forum. We hope you´ll like it and join.​

!!There will come pictures at the meeting area soon!!

The meaning is to gather swedens sprint elit and maybe some folks from holland etc. (we hope so).
The ones who arives at friday has the upptertunety to sleepover the whole weekend.​

Were going to have and stunt show with Dottie or Matti Tepsa (one of the best stunters in Sweden).​

The costs to get to enter the track will be approximately €15, and you can can stay for how long that you want.
The spectators, the youths will pay approximately €10, and adults approximately €15.​

Orginizers: Waxxus, PGPRO, Gruden, Coral, Sjöblom!. (users from the swedish forum

Entrance: Approximately £15 fore the whole weekend​

Place: Viareds Airport in Borås​

Date: 24-25 May 2008​

Notefikation: Send me a PM.​

Race: Midrace and Hyper-mopeds are going to be the highlight of the days. There going to be a timekeeper on the sprint track and 2 201m tracks is going to be used. And we race 1 vs 1.​

Stunt: Theres going to be a big stunt competition with nice prises, for the winner and a big blocked spot is going to be used.[/FONT]​

Dyno: ABG - Racing are going to take their dyno the the meeting. The price to run on the dyno will be approximately €15.​

Dyno competition: Were going to arange an dyno competition. Simple, everbody can take part. The one who gets the most HP winns a nice prise. There going to be, 70cc and 80cc.​

Food: Were gong to have an hotdog-stand etc. so you want go hungrey.​

Sales: Were going to have big sponsors that are going to sell much diffent moped realated things.

Parking: Only he ones who is goning to compete in the spint or stunt-competision are aloud to enter the track, other visitors will have to leve thier vehicles on the parkinglot.​

Visitors: You cant enter the track, you will have to park outside. There going to be an grandstand for spectators.​

Sponsors: NCP, Motocity & Roost so far, but were seaching for more..​

Rules: Were going to look up the rules on the race but everbody that are drives in the area must use a helmet and you can be affekted on ant alcohol, drugs or other prepartion.​

Mediumteam: There going to be some good photographers and swedish newspapers at the meeting to take pictures and record moves.​

We hope that you find this intressting, and that you will take part! If you have any questions just send a PM.
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What do you expect when such an event is more then 1000km awasy + costs for the boat and travelling and so on ?
Just don't drive and use alcohol, nothing strange to that because it isn't allowed here also. But it is far, only for the die-hards