Neos electrics: starting problem


Well-Known Member
Hi folks.

When I turn on the ignition key on my Neos, the LCD display on the handlebar comes on as expected, but when I press the brake lever to start it (required otherwise the starter motor won't trigger), the display goes blank and the starter button has no effect.

I have tried a different battery and the problem is the same.

Can someone give me a clue as to which component of the electrics may be at fault please?

Cheers, Nick.
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No, the display stays completely blank for a while, even when I let go of the brake lever again, and even when I turn the ignition key off and back on, and then if I leave the scooter for a while and it comes back with the original figures on the display (not sure exactly how long it takes to come back).

Thanks for your help. Nicholas.
You might be short-circuiting the battery with your brake-lever. Is your break-light lightning when you brake? If not, try a new lightbulb and check if your wiring ain't broken.
Problem solved...thanks for your hints folks.

The brake light was indeed *not* working, indicating a short-circuit, so I took everything apart trying to find wiring problems.

Behind the front panel where the headlights are I found a 4-wire domino-style connector which had metal contacts so badly corroded that they had partly disintegrated. (Salt and water seem to get inside this area from holes in the fairing above the front wheel...great design Yamaha, Minarelli, MBK, or whoever is behind this multi-brand vehicle.)

I replaced the connector with a new one, and covered it with tightly fastened plastic sheath for future salty-water invasions. Scooter work great now.

Cheers, Nick.