Check your Tire Valves.....!!!


Check your valves before you experience an I discovered this with mine:


I will get a pair of aluminium or stainless steel motorcycle or car valves and change them.
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normaly this does not happen , the "valves" in scooters are the same as in motorcycles and cars...

only when very old or not properly installed they get this way..
melf #50: My valves are 18 months old, 2,500 Kms. on the clock and they were installed in factory..maybe a piece of shit valves.....
Normally the valves will start to grow hard and then leak air, when they are exposed to the clima in ex. Scandinavia where we use A LOT of salt on the road.
It simply just kills the rubber.

Last week, when I was working on a Mercedes Sprinter 312 I found a tire where a 30x10cm piece of outer rubber was missing on the inside of the tire - It was close to an eksplosion.
Check your valves and tires often, as soon as the first crack apears - Change it!
I change my valves everytime I change tires - Wich will be around 12 months on a tire and a valve (Everyday slave-scooter!).

/Swobber says: Rubber will start to harden and then crack.